Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Malachi and Madison start school!

Well, that was another one of those firsts, that cause both joy and pain. Of course you all know that I sure was missing Philip. I imagined what he would be doing and saying as he took them for their first day. He would be funny and I would be taking pictures until he finally said, "enough Mom", let them go to school. After we left I would then drive him crazy with my memories of his first day, but he would listen and maybe even remember some of them and laugh with me.

I had that all in my heart as I took plenty of pictures and held them and kissed them while their Mom finished all the paper work. They cooperated with my picture taking wonderfully. Madison was sitting on my lap and she saw my eyes a "little" watery and she said, "you're gonna cry ain't you MeMe". I think I did very well.

For right now Madison likes school for the most part. Malachi says the best part of the day is the bus and the worst part is school! They are so cuuuute.

I thought I would share the pictures from the big day.

1 comment:

Becka said...

They are two beautiful children,
God gives GRACE when we need it the most!!


Madison & Malachi

Madison & Malachi
The exploration of an inch worm

My Blog Roll

  • What I Learned from Luke - About three weeks ago, I was asked to babysit for three of my grandchildren who live here in Gardendale; Katie Jane age 3, Luke age 2 and Olivia (Livie) ju...
    15 years ago
  • Coffee with a Friend - I had coffee with a friend this morning. She asked me, "Why Portugal"....it was fun telling her our story. She also got told the very funny story of me ...
    10 years ago

About Me

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Empire, Alabama, United States
I am happily married to Jimmy McGee, he is my best friend and the love of my life. I have two children. My son Philip who went on to be with the Lord in November 2005, at the age of (almost) 21 and left behind my precious daughter-in-law Rhonda and his twin babies Madison and Malachi who are so very precious to me. My beautiful daughter Kacey who will be 21 on April 26th. Kacey is happily married to Matt Henry and they are expecting their first child John-Philip at the end of May. These are the people most dear to me and make my world the wonderful place that it is! JUST ADDED! New grandson was born on May 7th John-Philip Ryne Henry!

Portugal Bound!

Portugal Bound!