Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Son

Today, Philip would be 25 years old.  I miss him so very much.  The pain has gotten easier to bear, but still not without tears.   The date brought many wonderful memories flooding back and an ache for the Son I am no longer able to call and sing happy birthday in the goofy way I used to.  The day  was   filled with longing for the days of messed up birthday cakes, funny cards, and lots of laughter.  If you knew Philip, you knew laughter.  

Don't ever take for granted the birthday dinners, that sometimes just seem to be too much work with little appreciation.  You do all the work and are usually stuck with all the clean up too.  There may come a day when all you have are the memories of those birthday dinners and you would give anything just to prepare one more.  Just one more dinner...if only you  knew when the last one was going to be.  You would prepare it with no complaining and you would spare no expense.  You would fix all his favorite things and you would cherish every second.  

So take it from me.  Go all out, prepare every special dinner like it might be the last one you have, because you never know when it will be.  You never know when you may get a phone call that changes your life forever.  So, to all you parents out there who get so busy and so overwhelmed with life that you hurry pass the little things. Slow down, remember nothing is more important than loving your family, letting them know it every chance you get and...ALWAYS, ALWAYS,  keep Jesus in front of them in everything you do.  When it is all said and done all that matters is did you lead them to Jesus.  

I will see my son again one day, because I was able to lead him to Jesus on Mother's Day 1996.  What a blessing for God to allow a mother to be able to lead her child to Jesus!  It does not get any better than that.  

Guess how we ended the day?  We got to watch Malachi in his first Christmas Play and on his Daddy's birthday!  Madison bailed out at the end...she said she was sick, I think it was more stage fright.  I could get many good shots, there is something about tears that really get in the way of focusing. 


Madison & Malachi

Madison & Malachi
The exploration of an inch worm

My Blog Roll

  • What I Learned from Luke - About three weeks ago, I was asked to babysit for three of my grandchildren who live here in Gardendale; Katie Jane age 3, Luke age 2 and Olivia (Livie) ju...
    15 years ago
  • Coffee with a Friend - I had coffee with a friend this morning. She asked me, "Why Portugal" was fun telling her our story. She also got told the very funny story of me ...
    10 years ago

About Me

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Empire, Alabama, United States
I am happily married to Jimmy McGee, he is my best friend and the love of my life. I have two children. My son Philip who went on to be with the Lord in November 2005, at the age of (almost) 21 and left behind my precious daughter-in-law Rhonda and his twin babies Madison and Malachi who are so very precious to me. My beautiful daughter Kacey who will be 21 on April 26th. Kacey is happily married to Matt Henry and they are expecting their first child John-Philip at the end of May. These are the people most dear to me and make my world the wonderful place that it is! JUST ADDED! New grandson was born on May 7th John-Philip Ryne Henry!

Portugal Bound!

Portugal Bound!