Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Eve

We have started a tradition at the McGee house. Now that we have built the two-story "Booker's Fort" we go up on Christmas Eve and read the Christmas Story. This year was quite different than last year. Last year it was cold and Christmasy! This year it was hot and stormy.

Kacey, Matt, and John-Philip were the first to arrive. It was storming, the rain was horrendous and the winds were literally tornado strength winds. I ran outside with a huge umbrella to help them in. The umbrella did the inside out thing a couple of times, but we made it. I had to change clothes my skirt was soaking wet.

We had a spread of each one's favorite request. Kacey- hot wings, Rhonda - asparagus wrapped in ham, Malachi-stuffed eggs, Matt-red velvet cake, and we all had to have "Jimmy's famous Potato Salad". This year I told Rhonda and Kacey they had to make something special. Kacey and Matt made homemade bread stuffed with chicken, cheese and peppers which was surprising wonderful. Rhonda made a lemon icebox pie which was also very good and I think they were very proud of their selves .

When the meal was over we opened gifts. This is normally saved til last but with it being a church night things got switched around. By the time it was finished it was time to leave for church. Poppa, Malachi, Madison and I went to church. My backslid daughters (literally) stayed home so they had to clean up which was really cool. However, I would have cleaned it all by myself for the next week in exchange for them attending the service with me.

We never cancel services at our church. I really love that and appreciate that about our Pastor.
It was a nice time. The "faithful" were there for a sweet time of scripture reading, singing around the piano and a special time of sharing our hearts with one another.

When we got back we went up to the fort. Poppa had decked it out with the garland and lights. It was around 60 degrees so I didn't think about the "hot cocoa". However, as soon as we were all seated Malachi asked for it. He was appalled that I hadn't made it. Poppa climbed back down and got he and Madison a soda, after being informed that we couldn't possibly proceed without drinks.

Poppa read the Christmas Story as I looked around at my family. Appreciating another year of having them to love, another year of watching their beautiful faces snuggled altogether listening to the "Christmas Story".

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas and just remember cherish every gathering of your family together because you never know when one will be missing from your circle.
Lots of love,


Madison & Malachi

Madison & Malachi
The exploration of an inch worm

My Blog Roll

  • What I Learned from Luke - About three weeks ago, I was asked to babysit for three of my grandchildren who live here in Gardendale; Katie Jane age 3, Luke age 2 and Olivia (Livie) ju...
    15 years ago
  • Coffee with a Friend - I had coffee with a friend this morning. She asked me, "Why Portugal" was fun telling her our story. She also got told the very funny story of me ...
    10 years ago

About Me

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Empire, Alabama, United States
I am happily married to Jimmy McGee, he is my best friend and the love of my life. I have two children. My son Philip who went on to be with the Lord in November 2005, at the age of (almost) 21 and left behind my precious daughter-in-law Rhonda and his twin babies Madison and Malachi who are so very precious to me. My beautiful daughter Kacey who will be 21 on April 26th. Kacey is happily married to Matt Henry and they are expecting their first child John-Philip at the end of May. These are the people most dear to me and make my world the wonderful place that it is! JUST ADDED! New grandson was born on May 7th John-Philip Ryne Henry!

Portugal Bound!

Portugal Bound!