Wow, I can't believe they are four. They are so precious. Grandbabies have to be the biggest joy in life. We had a small birthday party this year at "Josie's Place". It was fun, but we fooled around and let it get too dark for many pix. However, being me, I do have a few to show.
They got to have a hay-ride and ride the horse, and feed the horse apples, and tour the farm. It was a really nice time. Very different from the previous parties. The birthday babies and baby JohnPhilip all three came home with MeMe and Poppa after the party. First sleepover with all three. By the time we left the party it was 8:30, not much play time left but they didn't care. I felt very honored because it was too dark for them to open their gifts but they sent them home with mom and they came with us anyway. We took them by to see their great-grandmother (Granny Slatton), they got a card with $5. They kept saying "Wow, a dollar", we tried to explain the difference, but they really didn't care they were just wide open playing, laughing, celebrating being FOUR years old!
I always tell Jimmy we better savor every moment because before we know it they will be too busy for MeMe and Poppa.
If you haven't figured it out yet...I'm crazy about my grandbabies.
So, we made it through and it was a little easier than last year. I suppose that it will get a little easier every time, but, as always we sure missed their Daddy being there to celebrate with us.