Friday, June 20, 2008

John-Philip - May 7, 2008

Update! John-Philip is at home and appears to be doing great! We are still waiting on some test results regarding a disease that I can neither spell or pronounce. However, we have not thought much about it or worried about it. It's in God's hands He knows all about it and whatever He decides is best He will equip us to deal with it. We go to the cardiologist on August 7th to find out if the hole in the upper chamber of his heart has closed. As of 2 weeks ago it hasn't. Then again, God knows.

He is growing, he is Rotten, and is eyes are hung in between green and brown. I am pulling for brown, but I guess we will see soon enough.

Kacey and Matt love being Mommy and Daddy, they are so cute. What a blessing!
Kacey was leaving my store yesterday and she asked if it was o'kay (not against the law) for him to leave in his car seat with just a diaper. The AC went out and she didn't want him to be too hot. It is so fun to watch her especially realizing how close we came to losing her.

John-Philip spent his first night with us a couple of weeks ago. It took her 30 minutes to give me instructions on what he was to wear after his bath and what to wear to church the next morning, and what lotion to use where, and "you do know mom, that if you do 3ozs, it is 1 -1/2 scoops of formula?" I just smiled and tried not to roll my eyes, I don't know how successful I was because she can read me like a book. She asked if she was being too protective, I said "no, your good." I didn't bother telling her that I would not have dared let her spend the night away at 1 month. I wasn't about to miss my night with my new little buddy.

The twins-Malachi and Madison adore their new little cousin. They just don't understand why he can't play on Booker's Fort yet. Madison holds him and watches television at the same time. He is kind of boring to her. Malachi on the other hand wants to feed him and kiss on him.
They are so adorable. I have yet to get good pictures of John-Philip and none of all three. Supposedly I am a photographer. Makes you wonder huh. I must really be busy to not have a 1000 pix already.


Madison & Malachi

Madison & Malachi
The exploration of an inch worm

My Blog Roll

  • What I Learned from Luke - About three weeks ago, I was asked to babysit for three of my grandchildren who live here in Gardendale; Katie Jane age 3, Luke age 2 and Olivia (Livie) ju...
    15 years ago
  • Coffee with a Friend - I had coffee with a friend this morning. She asked me, "Why Portugal" was fun telling her our story. She also got told the very funny story of me ...
    10 years ago

About Me

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Empire, Alabama, United States
I am happily married to Jimmy McGee, he is my best friend and the love of my life. I have two children. My son Philip who went on to be with the Lord in November 2005, at the age of (almost) 21 and left behind my precious daughter-in-law Rhonda and his twin babies Madison and Malachi who are so very precious to me. My beautiful daughter Kacey who will be 21 on April 26th. Kacey is happily married to Matt Henry and they are expecting their first child John-Philip at the end of May. These are the people most dear to me and make my world the wonderful place that it is! JUST ADDED! New grandson was born on May 7th John-Philip Ryne Henry!

Portugal Bound!

Portugal Bound!